CORON: Philippines' Secret Gem

The Philippines is often overlooked by Australians, who often choose other Asian destinations, but there is no better moment to explore this island Archipelago.

Coron is the third largest island among the Calamian Islands, located in Northern Palawan in the Philippines.

My fondest memories of Coron are of Island hopping, from one uninhabited beach to the next on a local boat known as a Bangka. You often get the sense that you have been transported into a prehistoric world unexplored and wild, as you gaze upon the powdered white sand beaches.

Coron also boasts a number of sunken Japanese World War 2 vessels that serve as wreck dive spots teeming with tropical fish, sharks and dugongs.

What is most enjoyable about my experience in this part of the world is how relaxing and picturesque the scenery is. Everywhere you look is a tropical postcard waiting to be taken. You can easily get lost in your surroundings, time and worries no longer have a place. You can essentially choose how quickly or slowly the day passes. The island of Coron shares many similarities with other coastal South East Asian Countries; however the difference is it does so without so much of the frenetic pace, which comes with more of those Commercial touristy locations. It's a no frills simplistic version of the heavy resort driven Penang, Bali or Phuket.


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